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Lifecycle Credit Risk

Credit &

Decision Strategy


Credit and decision strategy is crucial for empowering financial services organisations to make consistent and informed decisions to manage risk and onboard the desired portfolio of customers. Whether you’re migrating, implementing or enhancing your decision solution system, we can support you by developing tools and strategies to provide insights and controls. 


Our experienced team can deliver the right system or solution for your business, regardless of the decision platform or supplier you choose.​

What's involved

Acquisition strategy

We use statistical analysis and demographic targeting to inform our partner’s acquisition strategy design and help understand the interactions between the score, overall business policy and decision rules.

Affordability strategy

We build calculators, models and assessment procedures to assess affordability, to meet your CCCFA compliance obligations. 

Bureau strategy

Our retrospective analysis, credit reporting and independent bureau reviews enable our partners to compare and choose which bureau to use and how to use them.

Impact assessments

We test decision tools, such as pipeline management, policy rules and scorecards, to assess and monitor their strength, robustness and impact.


We support our partners to review and optimise their pipeline management, from the use of application scorecards and automated strategies through to a thorough review of their operating model.

Policy and decision (referral) rules

Our experienced team identify and define key risk drivers, thresholds and policies to be applied within the decision platform and aligned to your risk appetite.

Risk appetite

We analyse, review and document your risk appetite and ensure it is embedded in your risk management framework and corporate strategy.

Scorecard development

We can support you with a scorecard development framework to classify risk within your portfolio. Our approach ensures that the most appropriate methodology is being used to meet the objectives for each scorecard developed. 

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